
Financially support our effort

MyMIDI Worship Resources Ltd exists to resource small Christian congregation that lack musicians.  Most small congregations also lack financial resources, and therefore our prices are as low as they can possibly be.  Where legal, we offer our resources for free.  Where copyright is involved, we charge a minimum price.

Thankful, we are!

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Other Amount

However existing on the internet, developing and securing our software, and negotiating worldwide copyright licences, all come at a cost, which is split between income from this website and Rev Wayne McHugh and his wife.

If you have financial resources and you appreciate the resources available from MyMIDI Worship Resources, please consider making a donation.  Our overhead costs are presently in the order of $1,000 per year and gradually rising.

IMPORTANT: This is NOT a guilt trip. I don’t want anyone feeling as though donating is “the right thing to do”. Only if you can afford it, and only if you feel led to do so, should you even consider donating. (Wayne)