Act Justly
Words & Music: Trisha Watts & Monica O’Brien. Guitars with pan flute melody. Key: A. 3 verses with choruses.
Around the Table (You gathered ’round)
Song by Mark A Connor. 3 x verse/chorus. Gentle arrangement rises with strings for the last verse/chorus.
Awesome God (When he rolls up his sleeves)
Words & Music Rich Mullins. Full version with 2 x verse/chorus. Fairly sharp sounding arrangement.
Bless The Lord
Words & Music: Colin D Smith. Band. 3 verses with refrains, as published in As One Voice.
Faith (I’m reaching for the prize)
Words & Music: Reuben T Morgan. Lively arrangement. 2 x verse/chorus plus bridge and final chorus. Key: G.
Follow The Saviour
Words & Music: Colin Buchanan. 4 verses with choruses and interludes and published. Lively country arrangement.
Glory and Honor to God
Words & Music: Terry Butler. Chorus + 2 x verse/chorus as published. Basic band accompaniment.
Go Forth In His Name (We are his children)
Words and Music Graham Kendrick. 3 x verse/chorus plus outro repeats. Chorus is repeated each time (as published).
Have Faith in God (Oh Lord You Lead Me)
Words and Music Geoff Bullock. Standard lyric arrangement. Quiet electric piano, bass & drums backing, french horn melody give it a reflective feel.
He Will Come and Save You (Say to those)
Words and Music Bob Fitts, Gary Sadler. Piano-centred but gentle, strings rise in the choruses.
Heal Me, O Lord
Words & Music: Don Moen. Three times through, without music for the spoken part. Strings are added the second time.
Heal Me, O Lord
Words & Music: Don Moen. Three times through, without music for the spoken part. Strings are added the second time.
Healing River
Words & Music: Mike Burn. 4 x verse/chorus. Gentle arrangement with lots of strings joining the choruses.
Heaven Is In My Heart
Words and Music Graham Kendrick. Chorus + 4 x verse/chorus with interlude. Check all pace-makers before attempting this one!
Holy Spirit Come
Words and Music Geoff Bullock. 3 verses. Very gentle arrangement led by flute melody. Strings added in the 3rd verse.
I Am Carried
Words and Music Geoff Bullock. 2x verse, chorus, verse, chorus. Gentle accompaniment, led by pan pipe.
I Believe (I’m reaching out)
Words and Music Geoff Bullock. Twice through. Very upbeat, slight swing beat. Reduce complexity by removing instruments if necessary.
I Believe (I’m reaching out)
Words and Music Geoff Bullock. Twice through. Very upbeat, even beat. Reduce complexity by removing instruments if necessary.
I Give You My Heart (This is my desire)
Words & Music: Reuben Morgan. Band arrangement. Twice through, repeat chorus. Key: G.
I Love You Forever
Words & Music: Bob Baker. Length as published. Very much a country music arrangement.
I See The Lord
Words & Music Paul Baloche. Twice through. Led by alto sax with more energy in the choruses.
I Surrender (You’re softening my heart)
Words and Music Geoff Bullock. 2 verses, 1 chorus (as written). Alto sax lead, piano and guitar backing.
I Will Never Be
Words and Music Geoff Bullock. Standard format, no repeats except in the ending. Piano led arrangement with strings in the middle section.
I Will Sing And Make Music
Words & Music: Colin Smith. Orchestral. Key: Ab. 4 verses with responses.
Icon Of Grace
Words: Trisha Watts & Monica O’Brien; Music: Trisha Watts. Orchestral band. Key: F. 6 times through.
Icon Of Grace
Words: Trisha Watts & Monica O’Brien; Music: Trisha Watts. Orchestral band. Key: F. Once through. Designed to be played for each refrain.
In Your Hands (I’m so secure)
Words & Music Reuben Morgan. Band arrangement. 2 x verse/chorus, bridge, chorus, chorus (key change). Key: G.
It Is You (Lamp unto my feet)
Words & Music: Darlene Zschech. As published. Quiet arrangement with a bit more energy in the choruses.
Jesus, Lover Of My Soul
Words & Music: Daniel Grul, John Ezzy & Steve McPherson. Band arrangement. Twice through plus extra chorus. Key: G.
Just Let Me Say
Words and Music Geoff Bullock. 3 verses, key change on 3rd. French Horn melody. Strings join in the final verse.
King of the Nations (Come let us worship Jesus)
Words and Music Graham Kendrick. 5 Verses, 2 Choruses. G.
Let God’s Dream Be Born
Words & Music: Kevin Bates. Band. Key: Eb. 7 verses (as published in As One Voice).
More Of You (Jesus I am thirsty)
Words & Music Don Harris, Martin J Nystrom. Gentle accompaniment with strings added in the chorus.
Now Is The Time
Words and Music Geoff Bullock. Twice through the song. Mellow arrangement with strings added in the choruses.
Psalm 23 (The Lord’s my shepherd)
Words and Music Stuart Townend. A gentle arrangement for a gentle song.
Refresh My Heart
Words and Music Geoff Bullock. Energetic accompaniment based around pianos and guitars.
Rejoice In The Lord (Oh ay oh)
Song by Condy and Karen Canuto. Very lively drum and bass driven accompaniment.
See, I Make All Things New
Words & Music: Trisha Watts & Monica O’Brien. Band. Key: A. Intro + two verses with choruses (as published in As One Voice).
Send Forth Your Spirit, Lord
Words: Michael Forster, Music: Margaret Rizza. Band arrangement. Chorus + 3 x Verse/Chorus. Key: Cm.
Send The Fire (O God of burning cleansing flame)
Words: William Booth, Adpt: Lex Loizides, Music: Lex Loizides. 4 verses with chorus. Ending tag three times.
Shout To The Lord (My Jesus, my Saviour)
Words & Music: Darlene Zschech. Band Arrangement. Key: A. Twice through.
Show Me Your Ways
Words & Music: Russell Fragar. Gentle waltz with strings added in the second part. Key: C with key change as published.
Testify To Love (Avalon)
Song by Henk Pool, Robert Riekerk, Ralph van Manen. Hit song by the band Avalon. Very electrical arrangement which you can change completely if it doesn’t suit you. Something completely different!
That Where I Am (In my Father’s house)
Words & Music: Rich Mullins. Lively arrangement with an overdriven guitar in the interludes.
The Great Southland
Words and Music Geoff Bullock. 3 x verse/chorus. No repeat on the chorus. Very true to the original.
The Heavens Shall Declare
Words and Music Geoff Bullock. Twice through plus repeat the last part. Lead by pianos backed with strings.
The Potter’s Hand (Beautiful Lord)
Words & Music: Darlene Zschech. Band arrangement. Twice through. Key: G.
The power of Your love (Lord I come to you)
Words and Music Geoff Bullock. Small Band, Bb. 2 verses.
The power of Your love (Lord I come to you)
Words and Music Geoff Bullock. Small Band, Bb. 2 verses.
This Is The Day (rejoice in the Lord)
Words & Music Rick Shelton. Twice through = 4 x verse/chorus. Very lively.
Three Round Table Rounds
Words & Music: Kevin Bates. Band. Keys: C, D & G. Each round is played twice. Three files will be available for download.
Thuma Mina (Send Me, Jesus)
Words & Music: John L Bell. 4 times through. Gentle with strings added 2nd and 3rd times.
We Come By Ones
Song by Leigh Newton. Published verse/chorus arrangement (6 verses, 2 choruses). Country.
We Gather Here, O Lord
Words: Owen Alstott; Music: Colin Smith. Organ. Key: D. 3 verses with refrains.
You Are My Rock
Words and Music Geoff Bullock. Twice through. Unusual rhythm trying to match this song.
You Gave Your Life (If Christ Be God)
Words & Music Steve Tilbrook. 2 x verse/chorus. Energy rises in the choruses.
You Said
Words & Music: Reuben T Morgan. Once through with repeat on the chorus. Gentle arrangement. Key: A.
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