Alleluia, alleluia, give thanks to the risen Lord
Words & Music: Donald Fishel. Simple but full accompaniment, embellished with strings in the chorus, The melody is piano.
Alleluia, Alleluia, Give Thanks to the Risen Lord
Words & Music: Donald Fishel. Band arrangement. Chorus + 5 x Verse Chorus. Key: F.
Alleluia, Alleluia, Give Thanks to the Risen Lord
Words & Music: Donald Fishel. Band arrangement. Chorus + 5 x Verse Chorus. Key: F.
Christ Be Our Light (Longing For Light)
Words & Music: Bernadette Farrell. 5 x verse + chorus which is standard for this contemporary hymn.
Come As You Are
Song by Deirdre Brown. 4 Verses. Flute melody with basic waltz drums, piano and bass.
Come As You Are
Song by Deirdre Brown. 4 Verses. Flute melody with basic waltz drums, piano and bass.
Come To The Banquet
Song by Fay White. 8 verses (edit in MyMIDI Player). Piano and guitar accompaniment with a bit of rock organ in the background.
Companions On The Journey
Words & Music: Carey Landry. Quiet arrangement dominated by plucked guitars.
Feed Us Now (Bread of Life)
Words and Music Robin B Mann (Kraehe). © 1976 Robin B Mann. 3 verses. Reflective strings and guitar behind a piano lead.
Feed Us Now (O Lamb of God)
Words & Music: Peter R Allen (Feed Us Now). Chorus plus 5 x verse/chorus.
Galilee Song (Deep within my heart)
Song by Fr Frank Anderson. Full but simple piano dominated backing with a rock organ in the background. Piano melody.
Gather Us In (Here in this place)
Words and Music Marty Haugen. 4 verses (standard). Full accompaniment including drum, bass, organ backing and electric piano melody.
God sends us the Spirit (Natomah)
Words Tom Colvin, Music Ghana folk song, adapted Tom Colvin. Strong on drums and woodblock with a nylon string guitar melody.
Here I Am Lord
Song by Daniel Schutte. 3 x Verse/Chorus. Uncomplicated accompaniment. Chorus has a muted guitar that can be turned off if not wanted.
Here is bread, here is wine
Words and Music Graham Kendrick. 3 x verse chorus. Electric piano dominated (including melody) with strings and a trumpet in the background.
I Am the Bread of Life
Words and Music Suzanne Toolan (Bread Of Life). 5 x Verse Chorus. Uplifting accompaniment with piano, organ, strings, bass & drums, melody is french horn.
I Danced In the Morning
Words and Music: Sydney B Carter (Lord Of The Dance). Upbeat arrangement based around electric piano with brass added in choruses.
Into the Darkness Of This World (Come Lord Jesus)
Words & Music Maggi Dawn. 3 x Verse Chorus, but last chorus is the alternate chorus. Full band accompaniment, melody is flute.
Jesus Christ is Waiting
Words & Music: Graham Maule, John L Bell (Noel Nouvelet). Accompanied by electric piano and haunting viola. Melody is electric piano.
Let Us Talents and Tongues Employ
Words Frederik Herman Kaan, Music Doreen Potter. Jamaican folk melody, so has lots of drums and movement.
Lift High the Cross (Crucifer)
Words George W Kitchin, rev Michael R Newbolt, Music Sydney H Nicholson. Band arrangement, C. 8 verses.
Lord Jesus Christ (Living Lord)
Words & Music: Patrick R N Appleford (LIVING LORD). 4 Verses. Very simple arrangement that lifts with strings for the final verse.
O Jesus I Have Promised
Words: John E Bode, Music: Geoffrey P Beaumount (Hatherop Castle). A lively arrangement of Hatherop Castle containing 5 verses.
On Eagle’s Wings (You who dwell)
Words & Music: Michael Joncas. Full accompaniment with strings and horn. Melody is flute.
On Eagle’s Wings (You who dwell)
Words & Music: Michael Joncas. Electric piano lead with strings assisting. Quiet drums.
One Day At A Time
Song by Kris Kristofferson, Marijohn Wilkin. Simple arrangement with guitar plucked behind, strings in the choruses.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow (Doxology)
Words Thomas Ken, Music Jimmy Owens (Fairhill). Basic accompaniment. Introduction and 1 time through, suited for a doxology.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow (Doxology)
Words Thomas Ken, Music Jimmy Owens (Fairhill). Once through for the Doxology. Gentle accompaniment.
Sing A New Song
Song by James Phillip McAuley. Uncomplicated arrangement to suit the unusual nature of this tune (Cosmic Praise).
Ten Thousand Reasons (Bless the Lord)
Words & Music: Jonas Myrin, Matt Redman. Band arrangement. Chorus + 4 x verse/chorus + ending. Key: E.
Thank You For Giving Me the Morning
Song by Martin G Schneider. 6 verses. Fairly simple arrangement, but swells on every second verse.
The Great Love of God
Words: Daniel T Niles, Music: Elisha A Hoffman. Simple piano-led band arrangement.
The Lord Is my Shepherd
Song by Boniwell B. “The Lord is my shepherd and I want to follow …” Piano and strings lead the arrangement.
The Summons (Will you come and follow me)
Words and Music: Graham Maule, John L Bell. 5 Verses. Key is F.
There’s A Light Upon the Mountain
Words: Henry Burton, Music: Maurice L Wostenholm (Mt. Holyoke). Piano-led band arrangement.
We Are Marching in the Light of God
Words & Music Zulu Traditional (Siyahamba). Simple but lively band arrangement.
We Are the Light of the World
Song by Tom Tomaszek. Very peaceful arrangement led by a nylon string guitar.
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