#6 – MyMIDI Player Save & Restore - This video explains the save and restore playlist options in MyMIDI Player in more detail (it was mentioned briefly in video #4). These options are a great help in not losing data, and planning for one or more events in advance.
#5 – MyMIDI Player EDIT - This video explains the EDIT option within MyMIDI Player, and how to use it. It allows you to change the number of verses (or verse/chorus pairs) in many songs in the library.
#4 – The MyMIDI Player Playlist - This video explains how to manage the playlist – the different ways to add to it, remove entries and manipulate the list. It also explains the other controls on the main MyMIDI Player window, and touches on saving and restoring playlists (see video #6 for more detail).
#3 – The MyMIDI Player Library - This video introduces and explains the use of the MyMIDI Player Library. The library is a powerful part of MyMIDI Player, making it very easy to find and select songs for use.
#2 – Introducing MyMIDI Player - This video introduces the Windows MIDI music player we developed, specifically for use in churches.
#1 – Introduction - This video introduces you to MyMIDI Worship Resources Ltd, our purpose, our website, and our offerings. It also teaches you how to register on the website, and buy our worship music backing files.
What’s in the Worldwide Stores? - We have three collections of worship music backing tracks: MIDI files of public domain tunes, which installs free with MyMIDI Player. MIDI files of copyright songs/tunes. MP3 files of copyright songs. This is Clyde McLennan’s collection, previously available from his Small Church Music websites. Not all of our collection is available in the worldwide store. ... Read More